How Do I Repent

Who Is Repentance For?

The word repent/repentance is a common word that is spoken throughout the world, in many religions, and often means different things. However, the understanding of the word repent is one of the most misunderstood terms. When one goes to their preferred place of worship, they immediately wonder whom repentance is for? To get an understanding of what repenting means and who repentance is actually for we MUST look into the Bible and follow it according to what thus says the Lord.

Who is Repentance For?

People will always argue, according to John 3:16, that repentance is for everyone who loves Christ, but it is not. The Bible clarifies that from Genesis to Revelations that there is only one nation that is able to repent. That nation is the Israelites, that so-called American Blacks, Native Americans, and Hispanics. We, as repenting Israelites, will receive the blessings that are to come upon the Earth once Christ returns. With that knowledge we must understand that the angels are holding back the final destruction until the 144,000 elect men of the Israelites are sealed. The 144,000 are the elect men, 12,000 from each of the 12 tribes. With this basic understanding that we are the biblical Israelites we must endeavor to keep the laws of God in the faith of Christ. That is the beginning phase of repentance.

Note: 144,000 are the elect men of the Most High who will rule the kingdom to come. There will be a multitude of Israelites as well as our captives who will be from other nations that once had us (the Israelites in captivity).

As Christ taught throughout the land he constantly told His people about the commandments and how to repent to inherit the kingdom of heaven. Everything begun with Christ and will end when Christ returns, which is the restoration of the nation of Israel, who are the elect of God NOT the land that is being fought over today. The nation of Israel repenting in Christ re-establishes our covenant with the Most High as it pertains to the greater promises once Christ returns. There has always been a distinct difference between the children of Israel and the other nations. Since the books of Moses we have been given a distinct set of laws that include our food consumption, our apparel that we are to wear daily, our gathering together, holidays (high holy days), and so much more (read (((add chapters))) ).

Why do we have to repent?

We have to repent because we broke the commandments of the Most High over and over again from the time of Genesis. Eve introduced sin into the world when she sought to be a god by listening to the serpent, devil. From that point on sin was established in the world and the Israelites seemingly enjoy it at every turn. The so-called Negroes, West Indians, Haitians, Native Americans, and Hispanics, who are the Israelites, are in the midst of sin. Today the sin that our people are in the midst of includes but is not limited to adultery (cheating on your spouse), fornication (sex without marriage and homosexuality), and idolatry (Christianity, Catholicism and other religions), murder, stealing and so much more. All of this is against the commandments of the Heavenly Father. Through the Bible the Heavenly Father lets us know that we must repent from all of our sins and follow his commandments.

The nation of Israel is the only nation the Heavenly Father gave the commandments to. As a result of the nation of Israel breaking the laws of the Heavenly Father the curses fell upon the Israelites.


How Does an Israelite Repent?

Repentance is not as hard as you think, despite your worldly and wicked ways that may hold you in bondage. We have to cleanse our mind by humbling ourselves to the scriptures of the Most High and Christ. This begins the process of Repenting. We must acknowledge our sins before the Most High and Christ in repenting of our sins.


The first thing is to study the Bible daily. It is not impossible because there are Bible apps that you can listen to. We recommend that you listen or read four chapters a day. That will help you find comfort in the scriptures when you are afflicted. We also recommend the King James Version 1611 and the missing books of the Bible called the Apocrypha. This will help you gain a full understanding of the testimonies of Christ and the Most High.

Get around like believers. Yes, there are many institutions you can visit who are Israelites but make sure they do not add or take away from the words written in the Bible. Nothing, NOTHING is up for interpretation in the Bible. If you join with an institution that alters high holy days or marriage laws then you may want to reconsider being a part of that institution because the Bible commands that it is breaking the laws of the Most High to do so.

You must apply what you have learned daily through self-examination. Yes, you will be tested. More so once you acknowledge that you are an Israelite and start to live according to the words of the Most High. You will receive temptations that seem greater than when you were not repenting in the faith in Christ. It’s okay. Push through. Growing in the spirit of the Most High is not an overnight or a short process. It is a lifetime battle. That is why Paul said, he how endures to the end will receive eternal life. We must endure to keep the faith.

Prayer is part of the repentance process. Pray when you wake up and before you go to bed. Slow your life down enough to pray. Your prayers should be continually but not vain babbling. What does that mean? That means you should pray with specificity for the salvation of your people. Do not pray for wealth and abundance because you are thinking carnally. Here are a few verses you can pray in private.


  • v1- Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy lovingkindness: according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions.
  • 2v Wash me throughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin.
  • v3- For I acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin is ever before me.”

Psalms 25:7 “Remember not the sins of my youth, nor my transgressions: according to The word Repent is commonly spoken of worldwide. However, the understanding thereof is often misunderstood.


Keep the commandments. All of them. When we failed to honor the laws, statues, and commandments because we wanted to follow other doctrines, gods, and manner of wickedness God punished us. Look around you today at the lives of most Blacks, Hispanics, and Native Americans. We are at the bottom and are the lowest of the low. We are a byword and a byproduct of society. No nation likes us. FYI we are not Africans, they hate us too. As we went whoring after what the other nations had the Most High sent us into several captivities, including American captivity also known as Babylon the Great. That is why Christ came and was sacrificed. He laid down his life for the Nation of Israel to repent only. That is why it is imperative that we, the Israelites repent by keeping all of the commandments of God in the faith of Christ to inherit the promises.

Final thing, repent quickly brothers and sisters and do not rely on the belief that you have tomorrow or next week to repent. For tomorrow is promised to no man. If you choose to take your time in coming to serve the Lord, The Most High can bring forth his judgment in the midst of your sins. Repent!!! Also Repentance is open to those of you who have known you’re Israelites for years but have yet to forsake your sins and apply the commandments to your lives.

Scriptural Reference

Revelation 7:1-4